SPACE/LAUNCH (the publication) was edited by artists Ester Partegás (A ’09), Sreshta RitPremnath (A ’09, founder, Shifter Magazine), Birgit Rathsmann (A ’04), Adam Shecter (A ’06), and Roger White (A ’05, co-founder, Paper Monument). A newsprint edition of 500, it will be available for free.
SPACE/LAUNCH features 39 works by the following artists:
Lauren Adams, A ’09, Trevor Amery, A ’13, Nicolás Bacal, A ’14, Seline Baumgartner, A ’14, Caitlin Berrigan, A ’08, Willard Boepple, A ’63, Katherine Bradford, F ’09, Gordon Chandler, A ’74, Sue Collier, A ’79, Don Edler, A ’12, Sharona Eliassaf, A ’11, Amy Feldman, A ’09, Ash Ferlito, A ’12, James Benjamin Franklin, A ’94, Daniel Giles, A ’13, Hiroyuki Hamada, A ’98, Shadi Harouni, A ’13, Jason Head, A ’07, John Houck, A ’08, Zerek Kempf, A ’06, Gwenessa Lam, A ’04, Martin Landau, A ’84, Jaeeun Lee, A ’11, Anthony Lepore, A ’04, Holli McEntegart, A ’14, Lavar Munroe, A ’13, Amy Pryor, A ’00, Ronny Quevedo, A ’13, Zizi Raymond, A ’86, Claudia Sbrissa, A ’03, Mike Schuwerk, A ’10, Rudy Shepherd, A ’00, Rachel Stern, A ’14, Ceaphas Stubbs, A ’12, Marc Swanson, A ’00, F ’14, Clare Torina, A ’12, Rodrigo Valenzuela, A ’13, Mary Walling Blackburn, A ’11, Claire Zitzow, A ’11